Saturday, January 12, 2013

Katie Has it Wrong

 I've always been a Katie Couric fan.  I haven't had a lot of opportunities to watch her on TV over the years.  Just a few minutes before I would dash out the door when I worked in American Fork.  Yesterday I watched her new talk show "Katie" and was intrigued.  Katie went on her show WITHOUT any makeup and asked her studio audience to do the same thing.   It was a good show and had some interesting guests with excellent comments regarding society and the pressure on women to always be thin or look good.  It's absolutely true but sadly, most of us fall into that trap.

I enjoyed the show and agreed with Katie until.......

The last few minutes she announced her "hottest" husband contest winner. She wanted to find the "hottest" husband that loved his wife no matter what she wore or looked liked.  She spoke of the entries she had from so many women, those that spoke of long term - loving marriages, those that spoke of being together through sickness and financial problems, etc.  THEN she introduced the 3 finalists to her audience.  They were all fairly young.  None spoke of difficulties and of being there for each other.  One did a "tootsie roll dance" and slept with his shoes on.  THAT was the winner.

Yes, he was cute.  They were a cute couple.  They had been married for a few years BUT Katie got it wrong!  Anyone can crack a joke, wear shoes to bed and do a dance.

I guess my definition is different.  Looks are nice but what matters in the long run is substance.  BUT not everyone can be a TRULY HOT HUSBAND.  So here's my definition of a HOT HUSBAND - who is a HERO.

A HOT husband is someone who tells his wife, right after a bilateral mastectomy, how beautiful she is.  He buzzes her hair off, that he always loved, with tears in his eyes.  He buys his wife an amazing camera because she had several meltdowns and feels worthless.  He sends her flowers when her nails turn black and calls her throughout the day so she knows he is thinking of her and loves her.  He walks proudly by her in public with her only wearing a hat (it's very noticeable she is bald).  He kisses her bald head and tells her she is beautiful and he loves her.  He sits with her for hours during her chemo treatment.  He sits through biopsies, MRIs and scans.  He sits through meetings with doctors and surgeons. He gives up things that are important to him saying nothing is more important then her. 

A HOT husband is there in a nano minute when any of their kids or grandkids have issues, problems or ball games.  He was the person MORE patient with his wife's elderly mother.  He would listen to her for hours when others grew tired.  He was there when she died.  He was there to comfort his wife and her mother.

A HOT husband buys potatoes and oranges and other items throughout the year and takes them to the homeless shelter.  He takes clothes there throughout the year.  He shovels/snow blows the entire street and shows up for "volunteer" assignments even when he knows no one else will be there. 

A HOT husband is the man I'm married to.  He tells me I saved his life.  He saved mine. 

Katie has it wrong.  Anyone can do some sort of dance.  Not every man can be a HOT HERO HUSBAND.

My HOT husband - Thanksgiving 2007
Summer 2008

On our way to my bilateral surgery 2012

On our way to my first chemo 2012

Happy to be together


  1. I'd would have to say beyond any DOUBT.. That is the HOTTEST COUPLE, I have the Privilege to know and Love.

    1. BTW, Anonymous should be Sherry Reid Ringholz...

  2. That was beautiful! Here is to you hot husband and mine!!!

  3. Oh, I love this one! I remember telling Rick back in May how much I loved seeing the way Scott loves you! You totally have a hot husband...and he has a hot wife!
