Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hair Again!!

Kindof.....   it's more peach fuzz then anything.  It is soft, though.  Baby SOFT!  AND Dark with gray.

It's a mystery, really, trying to imagine WHAT I'm going to look like one day in the near future.

Will I be BLONDE again?  I LOVED being blonde.  That's me! 

 or how about BLACK? 

Maybe  DARK Brown ...

OR could red be my shade???

It is somewhat exciting.  I can RE-invent how I look if I want.  Whatever I end up looking like....  I will still be me.  

I just hope the grandkids will recognize me!!


  1. You look good in all of it my friend! Sorry I haven't been sick AGAIN this week.....this time I'm sure it was influenza - fever, chills,, fun! Still thinking of you!

  2. I don't know if this is an "old wives' tale" or not, but years ago I was told if you brushed your hair alot while it grows out after having shaved it off that you end up with curly hair. It's worth a try, if that's something you want.

