Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CHARLY'S an Angel

 Charly is my friend.  Charly's name is Charlotte but I call her by her nickname - Charly.  Charly and Jeri.. we sound TOUGH.  We are TOUGH.
Charly is really T O U G H!
Charly just turned 7 years old.  

Charly was diagnosed with Leukemia not too many days after I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Charly and I are both fighting the DEMON cancer on a daily basis. The first time I met her, we showed each other our ports.
Charly has a HUGE smile and a great laugh!  She loves Hello Kitty and stuffed animals.  She's not a big fan of dolls... maybe one day.  She draws beautiful flowers...  Charly likes hats that cover her ears and her new scooter that she got for her birthday.  She likes the color orange (blue used to be her favorite) and she knows how to get through the levels of Batman on the Wii. She has missed over 100 days of school this year.... fighting the demon. 

Charly's artwork
I visit her and read the updates her mom posts.  I am amazed at her.  She goes more often for more treatments than I do.  Yet I've only seen her smile.  Of course she's 7 so I'm sure there are rough times for her and her family.  But she is strong.  I've decided her strength is heredity.  Her beautiful mom, her dad and her cute older sister are strong as well. 

I feel lucky to know Charly.  She is an angel that is here to help inspire others while she fights this horrible demon named cancer.

GO Charly!!

Me and Charly - 2013

1 comment:

  1. What a little sweetie. Cancer is stupid. But's especially stupid when it happens to little kids. How nice that you each have a special person that's going through it and is positive and cheerful.
