Tuesday, May 21, 2013


the great evil

I received some heartbreaking news today that a good, dear friend was diagnosed with cancer.  I cried. I am still crying.  I can not handle that another person and family has to go through the fight against this horrible disease.    

It doesn't matter what kind of cancer you have - or your stage - or your "odds".... Your life and that of your loved ones will be changed forever.  You will always wonder if  "IT" has come back.  You have times when you realize how incredibly short the rest of your life might really be.  You look at things differently.

As my life continues to get closer to "normal" it is sad to realize that other people are just starting the journey.

Life is a wonderful, fragile gift.  I hope I never take it for granted.


  1. Hey Jeri, you're right of course, cancer is a sucky, horrible disease. I'm sure your friend has been watching you, and in seeing your courage, faith and prayer in doing battle finds strength to face the challenge. I'm sure he/she has also seen you become an amazing person who is compassionate, happy and thankful for each day, for each breath, for each person you cherish, and sees that cancer has not defeated you, and has determined it will neither define or beat him/her. Cancer will not win in the battle that matters. Your spirit has won and his/hers will too!

    I'm sure I can speak for all who have followed your blog. Your battle has become our own and we think of you, pray for you, and love you for who you are. Yes, I'm quite sure your friend sees this disease as an inconvenience, a terrible one perhaps, in part because of your courage and strength. I'm positive of that statement in fact. GM
